Saturday, January 9, 2010

Malaysia's heart is burning

While it is understandable that people would want to defend their faith and thus, debate over the use of the word 'Allah' in Christian publications, I could never understand those who attempted arson at 3 different churches in KL two days ago.

Violence would only breed hatred and contempt, sow seeds of discord and fear.

While non-Muslims can only urge the Government to apprehend those responsible, it is up to the Muslims to denounce and reject acts of violence. I have always believed that being the majority, the Muslims have a greater influence and power bring this country peace and harmony.

Just now, Li Vern asked me: If given a choice to live in another country, which one would you choose? I chose Australia or a random country in Europe. But in actuality, I don't want to leave Malaysia. Some of my friends are considering leaving this place and seeking PR somewhere else. Their parents think it is better to seek their fortunes in countries other than Malaysia.

I already consider Malaysia as a part of my being, a part of my family. In times of trouble, I would not forsake my family and the same goes for Malaysia. I am not being patriotic. I am just a sentimental person. You might think I am stupid, because if Malaysia's situation were to be as bad as Somalia, would my answer still be the same? Yeah, you bet I would answer differently. But the fact remains that Malaysia is not Somalia.

I still think that Malaysia is a beautiful country that has a great potential to be a more prosperous and peaceful country. But it could only be if we are willing to make it happen.