Monday, June 13, 2011

Another dream.

I was cycling and got attacked. A friend of mine saved me. I sat there, crying while he tended to me and even tied my shoelaces. He held my hands tightly. I felt so safe. I long knew he harboured feelings for me, but I was adamant not to reciprocate. What should I do, now that he's protecting me like this?

The dream was so sweet. Too bad I had to sit for Medicinal Chemistry at 8.30am! GRRR!! Finals, must you ruin even my make-believe love life?


  1. omigosh that is a really sweet story! (albeit the suckky assault)

  2. KYA~! Minus the attack, the story's so sweet! ehem, who's that guy har, something you not telling me hm hmhm? *wink wink*
    jokes aside, hope you have a nice time in ti when you get back~

  3. hahah! i wish he's a real guy! xD
