Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good News


This has to be a miracle. I don’t think my efforts in studying warrant such a good thing, but it did happen after all.

Official notice at Curtin’s website stated that results would be out at 5pm on Wednesday. My housemate claimed that results would be out by midnight.

I was chatting with friends online (notably Shu Ning and Sze Hou) when Mei Ing suddenly nudged me on MSN and told me that results were out. She promptly gave me the link.
I refused to believe that results were out that early – 17 hours earlier than as stated on Curtin website. By then, I was hyperventilating, my fingers turned cold. The suspense was killing me.

But after I typed in my student ID and everything, the results looked too good to be true.
My academic status is: GOOD STANDING – which means I passed all subjects and I am allowed to re-enrol in the subjects for next semester.

Phew. That is the only thing I need to know. Not grades or marks. Just a confirmation that I could continue doing pharmacy would be sufficient.

Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement. Love you all. Muaks. =D


  1. Congrats again!!!!!

    Haha...knew you could do it...*hugs*

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhh CONGRATULATIONS!!! =)
    ooooooomedetto~ *firecrackers*

    hehe.. the suspense.. experienced it during checking the TEEscore result thing too.. and to make things worse, my internet was so slow so loading the page took time too. and even worse, my parents were there right in front of me LOL~~

    congrats again!!!

  3. woohoo! kong hei kong hei!
    ohoho, now you can relax and enjoy the rest of your holidays!

  4. Yayayayayayayayayay! Congratulations!!! The early results sure shows that Curtin is very efficient. Congrats again~~~ Love you too!!! <3

    @Vern: That's the worst DOKIDOKI experience I've heard. lol

  5. was there even any doubt to start with? =)

    congratulations yuen shin dear! *hugs* =D

  6. congrats!!!well,now u can be assure with yourself than u can do worries.=)
