Friday, February 5, 2010

High school isn't meant to last forever...

Yeah, I know that. Just finished watching 'High School Musical 3' movie on DVD. As always, sequels are pale in comparison to the original movie, but it was indeed a grand effort.

Anyway, watching it makes me reminisce about my secondary school days. Was it fun? Stressful? Happy? Or filled with regrets? Gee, actually I don't remember much about it now. My memory sucks. But I do have lots of regrets. Not being able to do something different. Not being able to change myself. Not filling every single moment with tonnes of fun. Full of remorse for having the thinking that if I go someplace far away, my life would change. Hell yeah, it doesn't. The same old you is still there, so nothing changes.

But what the heck, right? It is over. It ain't coming back. Fun memories and regrets or whatever, I am just going to bury them deep in the garden of my messed up mind.

Goodbye secondary school.

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