Saturday, May 5, 2012

Coincidence level over 9000!

Went out for lunch with friends today. Our first-choice restaurant wasn't open. Our second-choice restaurant wasn't open either. Our last-minute-choice was open and we gladly parked somewhere near it. And guess what... right next to the parking lot, there stood two pharmacists from my hospital rotation!!!

 Universe, seriously... out of so many people in Perth, you put them and me together on the same corner of the street in Northbridge?!

I have this mortal fear of meeting people I know randomly at the streets. I am not prepared! I don't know what to say! After a few awkward exchanges of words (Hi? How are you? I am doing great. Thanks. etc etc), I gladly excused myself. Oh god, never thought I would be this awkward with people. Why am I blessed with this curse?

One good thing though, I met the pharmacist's girlfriend! She's such a beauty. I can now rest in peace knowing how she looks like. Proof that good guys can still bag the pretty girls.

Faith in Pretty Girls, RESTORED!

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