Thursday, May 31, 2012


I do complain a lot, don't I?

I complained that studying pharmacy is not my dream. I complained about how some people annoy me. I complained about how I didn't like the hospital rotation. I complained about how much we are studying for the oral exams.

YS, you just realised this yourself? You must be such a genius! How can complaining make your life any less miserable?

Gee, I don't know... I could release stress?

Now is the time for me to start being positive and stop dwelling on the negative. Because I myself don't like to spend time with negative people either. Bad things are always happening to good people in this world. I count myself to be very lucky indeed to be alive and breathing, pursue higher education, have great friends and family, and still am quite healthy. What is there not to like? What is there to complain?

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