Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hey Yanqi, remember the question that you got for your uni interview.. about this philosopher from ancient China who dreamt that he was a butterfly?

Yeah, I got a similar dream... no, I wasn't a butterfly though. It was something very depressing. It was so real I cried - both in my dream and in reality.

I cried because I thought it really happened. But as I was lying on in my bed, I remembered that everything was fine. Silly me.

I dreamt the same thing twice. The first time was sometime far back (I couldn't remember) and the second time today.

Maybe the philosopher's right after all... how is one supposed to know if our life is a dream or a reality?


  1. If our dreams are actually reality, then it sure is a real hectic life going through so many realities! xD Well, I'm not the type of person to ponder about these stuff too seriously... But yeah, sometimes, it really boggles the mind.

    Anyway, everything is alright. It was just a dream. :)

  2. hm..i always wonder whether im real.....
    like why do i exist and stuff like that...sigh..better not think too much for now..must reserve space for temporary exams facts..

  3. Haha...dreams can be pretty fascinating to ponder upon...and phenomena such as deja vu, etc etc...

    But I guess I've never wander between dreams and reality, as being so horrifically nocturnal...if my life were a dream, then I must spend a very VERY little time actually living my "waking" life..hmm..

    But I DID wonder why were we put on the planet..and that will somehow lead to more mind-boggling questions like the purpose/meaning of life..extraterrestial life..yada yada..(Sorry, I'm not exactly being very sane right now...more like delirious...)

    But anyway, I'm sure you do remember that dream that, traumatised me for quite a few days last year (I still can remember the details)...some dreams can really REALLY seem very very real. It takes a while before you realise that things are fine...and the dreams are just a sign of your subconcious mind working overtime....

  4. hahaha... if only my subconscious mind works OVERTIME during exams, that would help a lot!!! XD

  5. i always know when i'm dreaming.. well most of the time. cuz my dreams are totally crazy. and unrealistic most of the time. sometimes in game/anime form. ahhahaha..
    i enjoy dreaming too much for my own good. just today i was late for class cuz i slept up to 2pm XD
    well, dreams are so nice!!
    but there are dreams tat made me cry. and dreams tat make me afraid to sleep again. but i can tell. which are dreams. which are not. at least most of the time.. the feeling is different.
    do you remember i told you about a dream where i was sailormoon?? ahhahaha!! the bad guys had me tied up and everything and wanted to kill me, then i shouted with all my might "you can't do anything to me cuz this is just a dream!!" and i woke up. hahahah
