Thursday, October 1, 2009

To Father Time

Daddy retired two weeks ago.

And I am already 20.

Some of my friends also started to have boyfriends... if one of them suddenly announces their engagement and invites me to her wedding ceremony, I won’t be surprised. =)

I have been here, at Perth for almost 8 months now and there’s 60-odd days left to the journey back to Land of Glorious Food, Balmy Weather but Horrible Politicians – Malaysia.

Father Time, I know I am a horrible person for twisting your mind around.

At times, I want you to walk slower, because I need to enjoy my holidays.

Sometimes, I want you to walk faster, so that I can go back to TI as soon as possible.

I am so difficult to please, eh? I know. I know. Sorry.

I can remember the days when I was still a little kid, basking in the sunlight under the shady mango tree in my grandma’s house – an attempt to make myself look darker. (Since I was already teased for my dark complexion, I might as well make myself darker... that was what I thought.)

I can still remember the days in primary school, when it was monsoon season and the school grounds would be flooded with water. During that time of the year, I would bring an extra pair of slippers to school, in anticipation of floods. Sometimes we would be able to see an eel swimming around in the murky waters, or a crab. Or we would stand at the corridor; looking out at our school padang and it looked like a sawah padi. Glorious scenery, I would say.

I can still remember my first day in secondary school. We were all assembled in the canteen - all jam-packed against each other, being nervous and excited at the same time. That time, 5 years studying in one place seemed like forever and now, it seems like it never happened at all.

Father Time, people often say: Time heals. Now I could say that it is quite true.

Because of you, the only place I had so wanted to run away from - now turns out to be the only place I want to return to.

Time flies. Or maybe it is just me... who is blind to your presence.


  1. Ohhhhhh you write such good stuff! Now I feel like emo-ing... *emoes*

  2. adoi.. i don't mean to make you emo. ><

  3. ahhhh so poetic T_T
    i used to love it when our school gets flooded~ i'd try to step on eels XD

  4. i like to splash in water! XD

    yeah, it seems irony that now im where i want to be before, i suddenly feel like going home...

    and guess what? my parents who told me no need come home go enjoy US offered to sponsor me to come back for winter break haha. not this year, but maybe next *cross fingers*

  5. my parents asked me the same thing during winter break. menyesal didnt take up the offer
