Wednesday, May 27, 2009


27/5/2009 12:56 AM

I know I promised myself that I would stop talking bad about people. It turns out that I couldn’t. AG is annoying me to the extent that everything he does is wrong. I scolded him in front of a few people in class. I told him that he was annoying people, making phone calls to us at night. I thought after some good old scolding, he would have realised the error of his ways. But it turns out he is an idiot after all. After being scolded, he told another coursemate, “Girls are like that because of hormone imbalance.”


I hate chauvinistic ideas like that. He is such an MCP (male chauvinistic pig). He dismissed my outburst of emotion as “hormone imbalance”. Hey, if I were to have hormone imbalance that day, trust me that you would end up comatose in the hospital right now, you MCP!

I hate guys who think they are better than gals. I hate derogatory remarks like that, especially when it comes from guys. When another gal says it, it is funny – because we know to a certain extent it is true. But, hey, hormone imbalance is not everything okay?

I am very angry at AG because:
1) He gave such a chauvinistic remark.
2) He dismissed my being angry at him as “hormone imbalance” which was not true at all, because I was seriously pissed off at him. The anger was bursting to come out.
3) He is such an idiot; I already explained to him that we are being annoyed because of his unreasonable behaviour. But he still wouldn’t think that he is at fault and blamed my hormones instead. Thank you for your concern about my hormonal system, but I could manage my hormones myself, thank you very much.

I felt stupid for apologising to him in the first place. I know that my anger is probably unjustified, because he gave out this remark before I apologised to him. There could be a slight chance that he realised the error of his ways right after I apologised to him (I did explain why I scolded him anyway). But due to the 3 reasons above, I couldn’t forgive him. I will not ever bow down to an MCP – especially a HUGE IDIOTIC one like him.


  1. walaowehhhh... this guy.. capable of making u so geram hor..
    chill chill~ this kind of ppl just leave them alone. ahhaha
    i wonder if he reads ur blog.. hmm.. it's impossible to not know u're talking about him if he read it. ahhaha

  2. I feel so frustrated just reading your description of the incident! Haha. I agree with Vern. Just leave this kind of people alone.

  3. yeah, i think i will just ignore him. thank god i scolded him that day because he hasn't called me since. and i dont think he even knows i have a blog...

  4. i wont bow to a MCP either. you go girl!

    Can't believe he said that! (angry too)
